
This study examines whether screen media parenting practices (i.e. using screen media as tools for punishment or reward and setting limits on screen time), and alternate non-electronic. activities are associated with children's screen time. Participants were parents of 4770 children who were six to eleven years old. Using a survey questionnaire, they reported their children's average daily amount of screen and non-electronic activities times, and their screen-related parenting practices. Odds ratios were computed using logistic regression. Children whose parents reward good achievement/behavior by allowing screen time, punish bad achievement/behavior by prohibiting screen time, and allow screen time to keep them quiet are more likely to exceed the daily screen time recommendation of a maximum two hours. Screen-related home rules, physical activities and other alternate activities associated negatively with exceeding recommended screen time limit. Our study suggests that there is a need to develop effective strategies and intervention programs to educate parents to avoid screen-related parenting practices that increase their children's likelihood of exceeding the recommended media time.

  • 出版日期2017-2