
The deformation modulus of sands below 30m in the Nakdong River Delta was estimated by using various in-situ tests, such as the piezocone penetrometer (CPT), seismic dilatometer (SDMT), and pressuremeter tests (PMT). Disturbed sand samples retrieved at several depths of two boreholes were reconstituted to simulate the in-situ deposited condition using a slurry method. Thereafter, the drained triaxial compression (TX) and the resonant column (RC) tests were also conducted. The elastic modulus obtained through the application of the TX and PMT results to conventional methods led to the underestimation of the in-situ values, because the inherent characteristics of the natural sands were not considered. Thus, the non-linear modulus degradation curves were constructed using the modulus degradation from the TX, RC, PMT, and the in-situ maximum shear modulus from SDMT. Thereafter, the modulus at 25% failure stress strength was re-evaluated. The re-evaluated values from the TX were in good agreement with those from the PMT, using the unloading curves and with the existing empirical equation based on the seismic CPT. Finally, a CPT-compatible empirical formula for the deformation modulus at 25% failure strength was proposed.

  • 出版日期2013-7-1
