
Estimating the fundamental matrix (F), to determine the epipolar geometry between a pair of images or video frames, is a basic step for a wide variety of vision-based functions used in construction operations, such as camera-pair calibration, automatic progress monitoring, and 3D reconstruction. Currently, robust methods (e.g., SIFT + normalized eight-point algorithm + RANSAC) are widely used in the construction community for this purpose. Although they can provide acceptable accuracy, the significant amount of required computational time impedes their adoption in real-time applications, especially video data analysis with many frames per second. Aiming to overcome this limitation, this paper presents and evaluates the accuracy of a solution to find F by combining the use of two speedy and consistent methods: SURF for the selection of a robust set of point correspondences and the normalized eight-point algorithm. This solution is tested extensively on construction site image pairs including changes in viewpoint, scale, illumination, rotation, and moving objects. The results demonstrate that this method can be used for realtime applications (5 image pairs per second with the resolution of 640 x 480) involving scenes of the built environment.

  • 出版日期2011-10