
Two full-term canine fetuses were found to share a placenta during Caesarean section. The fetuses were of discordant gender, with apparently normal male and female external genitalia. Genetic analysis of whole-blood samples obtained from each fetus revealed identical DNA profiles, with more than two alleles detected at six loci. Subsequent genetic analysis of myocardial tissue samples revealed dissimilar DNA profiles, with at most two alleles detected per locus. Superimposition of the tissue-derived profiles matched that derived from the blood samples exactly, except for two loci failing to amplify, and hence demonstrated blood chimaerism. Dissection of the abdomen of the male fetus revealed delayed descent of the testes towards the inguinal canals. Macroscopically, the gonads, uterus and vagina were not identifiable on dissection of the female fetus, although vestigial ovarian tissue and a vagina were detected microscopically. The hypoplastic internal reproductive tract of the female fetus was suggestive of freemartinism and is believed to be the first report of this condition in the canine.

  • 出版日期2017