
Ten coxsackievirus B4 (CVB4) strains isolated from clinical and environmental sources in Northern Ireland in 1985-7, were compared at the nucleotide sequence level. Dideoxynucleotide sequencing of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified fragment, spanning the VP1/P2A genomic region, classified the isolates into two distinct groups or genotypes as defined by Rico-Hesse and colleagues for poliovirus type 1. Isolates within each group shared approximately 99% sequence identity at the nucleotide level whereas less-than-or-equal-to 86% sequence identity was shared between groups. One isolate derived from a clinical specimen in 1987 was grouped with six CVB4 isolates recovered from the aquatic environment in 1986-7. The second group comprised CVB4 isolates from clinical specimens in 1985-6. Both groups were different at the nucleotide level from the prototype strain isolated in 1950. It was concluded that the method could be used to sub-type CVB4 isolates and would be of value in epidemiological studies of CVB4. Predicted amino acid sequences revealed non-conservation of the tyrosine residue at the VP1/P2A cleavage site but were of little value in distinguishing CVB4 variants.

  • 出版日期1993-4