
Background: The literature suggests that nurse and patient collaborative goal setting demonstrates better patient outcomes. The SMART goal evaluation method (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) is a strategy to develop effective and measureable goals. Purpose: The purpose of this educational project was to improve nurse collaborative goal-setting skills. Methods: A pre- and postevaluation of an educational intervention was accomplished by patient interviews and observation for adherence to obtaining patient daily goals. Results: Results of nurse adherence in writing SMART collaborative goal setting increased from 11% preeducation to 63% posteducation. Patients' perceptions of feeling well informed by their nurses and physicians increased from 57% preeducation to 91% posteducation. Conclusion: Nurses continued to need reminding to collaborate with their patients, but their goal writing skills greatly improved. Clinical Relevance: The results of this educational project demonstrated nurses' improved ability to cowrite collaborative patient goals which resulted in better informed patients.

  • 出版日期2015-10