
The group Am of automorphisms of a one-rooted m-ary tree admits a diagonal monomorphism which we denote by x. Let A be an abelian state-closed ( or self-similar) subgroup of Am. We prove that the combined diagonal and tree-topological closure A* of A is additively a finitely presented Z(m)[[x]]-module, where Z(m) is the ring of m-adic integers. Moreover, if A* is torsion-free then it is a finitely generated pro-m group. Furthermore, the group A splits over its torsion subgroup. We study in detail the case where A* is additively a cyclic Z(m)[[x]]-module, and we show that when m is a prime number then A* is conjugate by a tree automorphism to one of two specific types of groups.

  • 出版日期2010