
We consider classes G(s)([0, 1]) of subsets of [0, 1], originally introduced by Falconer, that are closed under countable intersections, and such that every set in the class has Hausdorff dimension at least s. We provide a Frostman-type lemma to determine if a limsup set is in such a class. Suppose that E = lim supE(n) subset of [0, 1], and that mu(n) are probability measures with support in E-n. If there exists a constant C such that integral integral vertical bar x - y vertical bar(-s) d mu(n)(x) d mu(n)(y) < C for all n, then, under suitable conditions on the limit measure of the sequence (mu(n)), we prove that the set E is in the class G(s)([0, 1]). As an application we prove that, for alpha > 1 and almost all lambda is an element of (1/2, 1), the set E-lambda(alpha) = {x is an element of [0, 1] : vertical bar x - s(n vertical bar) < 2(-alpha n) infinitely often}, where s(n) is an element of {(1 - lambda)Sigma(n)(k=0) a(k)lambda(k) and a(k) is an element of {0, 1}}, belongs to the class G(s) for s <= 1/alpha. This improves one of our previously published results.

  • 出版日期2015-6