
Aims: Longitudinal percentage change of eight HIV-1 gag-pal mRNA cellular reservoirs from HIV-infected subjects on antiretroviral therapy was ascertained by simultaneous ultrasensitive subpopulation staining/hybridization in situ (SUSHI). Materials & methods: Serial peripheral blood mononuclear cells were taken from three subjects with treatment success, limited response and viral breakthrough plasma viral load (PVL) profiles. SUSHI was carried out on monocytes, macrophages, CD4(+) cells and naive, memory and activated T-cell reservoirs followed with broad light scatter flow cytometry. Results: All gag-pol(+) reservoirs declined in the treatment success patient and similar to PVL. Only some gag-pol(+) reservoirs responded similarly to PVL for the limited treatment patient, and most gag-pol(+) reservoirs increased 16 weeks prior to PVL breakthrough in the viral breakthrough patient. Conclusion: SUSHI measures changes in a wide range of gag-pol(+) reservoirs in response to antiretroviral therapy.
