
In traditional learning, teachers can easily have an understanding of how their students work and learn. However, in e-Learning it is more difficult for teachers to monitor how their students behave and learn in the system. As well as to identify if they have any specific awkwardness in their educational process. In this paper, a student model to infer the presence of ADHD symptoms in a Computer-Based Educational System (also known as Learning Management Systems (LMS)) is presented. The student model takes into account two types of students' characteristics: generic and psychological. Each one is measured through a set of variables, which are correlated to obtain a final profile that can be useful to assist the teaching-learning process. In order to reach this purpose, three Web application tools that collect information about these characteristics have been developed, integrated into a LMS and validated in a case study composed of 30 students (5 suffering from ADHD, 5 that present similar characteristics to ADHD and 20 that supposed do not suffer from ADHD). This case study was carried out through a quantitative research approach and a descriptive scope. Results show that the implemented tools are useful to identify attention problems symptoms in students enrolled in e-learning courses.

  • 出版日期2017