
This paper presents the analysis, development, and implementation of a wavelet modulation (WM) technique for three-phase voltage-source (VS) six-pulse inverters. The WM technique is based on sampling three continuous-time (CT) sinusoidal reference modulating signals in a nonuniform recurrent manner using three sets of scale-based linearly combined wavelet basis functions. These CT signals are recovered from their samples by a three-phase VS six-pulse inverter, which is activated by three sets of synthesis scale-based linearly combined wavelet basis functions. Each set of synthesis basis functions is generated for activating one leg of the three-phase inverter in order to recover one CT reference modulating signal. The WM technique is implemented for both simulation and experimental performance testing. The performances of the WM technique are compared with those obtained using the space vector modulation, random pulsewidth modulation, and hysteresis band current control techniques under the same loading conditions. Simulation and experimental test results show that the proposed WM technique is able to switch a three-phase VS six-pulse inverter to produce outputs with significantly improved fundamental components and low harmonic contents.

  • 出版日期2011-8