
An intensive study was carried out at the level of Dambovnic River, aiming to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of nutrient fluxes in correlation to the catchment hydrogeomorphological characteristics and to obtain an improved process-understanding of nutrients pathways. Dambovnic River is a third order tributary of Danube River, previously characterized by high specific nutrient emissions. The monitoring program was conducted over a two year period and revealed the influence of point and diffuse emission sources on nutrient loads as well as of local particularities of adjacent ecosystems. Although the nitrogen specific emissions were not high at the catchment level, increased concentrations of ammonium were identified upstream the river (up to 15 mg N-NH(4)(+)/l, being correlated with the industrial discharges of waste water. Total nitrogen showed a seasonal dynamics, especially downstream the river and its concentrations were below 20 mg TN/l. Phosphorous levels were often exceeding the limits for very good and good quality of surface waters and reached very high values during summer periods (up to 1 mg P-PO(4)(3-)/l). The results of the study revealed the contribution of both point and diffuse sources to the nutrient load of the river Waste water treatment plant is the main pathway for nitrogen, which is characterized by the highest area specific emission in the upper part of the Dambovnic catchment. The highest phosphorus emission stems from agriculture, with the exception of sites located upstream the river (Suseni), characterised by equal contribution of agriculture and point sources (industry and population).

  • 出版日期2011-12