Doppler OCT imaging of cytoplasm shuttle flow in Physarum polycephalum

作者:Bykov Alexander V*; Priezzhev Alexander V; Lauri Janne; Myllyla Risto
来源:Journal of Biophotonics, 2009, 2(8-9): 540-547.


The Doppler optical coherence tomography technique was applied to image the oscillatory dynamics of protoplasm in the Strands of the plasmodium of slime mould Physarum polycephalum. Radial contractions of the gel-like walls of the strands and the velocity distributions in the sol-like endoplasm streaming along the plasmodial strands are imaged. The motility inhibitor effect of carbon dioxide on the cytoplasm shuttle flow and strand-wall contraction is shown. The optical attenuation coefficient of cytoplasm is estimated. [GRAPHICS] Time-resolved OCT pattern of Physarum strand-wall contractions. The thin yellow strip is the slime boundary between the air (above) and the strand (below). The lower boundary of the strand is not resolved due to strong scattering.

  • 出版日期2009-9