
Many manufacturers are facing a complex situation in the mixed production environment, in which green and non-green products are fabricated simultaneously. They are losing competitiveness as a downstream supplier due to lacking of a cost-effective approach to managing product variations compliant with different green directives. This paper presents a methodology based on generic modularized product architecture that facilitates data management of green product development. The four-level architecture allows one unified representation for multiple product models. An option control mechanism enables a quick generation of their BOMs (bills of material). A procedure consisting of seven steps is proposed to accomplish this. PDM functions are implemented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology using a real LCD TV family as an example. This work complements the past studies on green product development, which mainly tackled the problem from design, process. and supply chain improvement. In contrast, from a management perspective, the proposed methodology provides a simple but useful tool for small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to perform green product development in art economical manner.