Associations between health-related physical fitness and obesity in Taiwanese youth

作者:Liao Yung; Chang Shao Hsi*; Miyashita Masashi; Stensel David; Chen Jui Fu; Wen Liang Tsai; Nakamura Yoshio
来源:Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013, 31(16): 1797-1804.


This study examined associations between four health-related physical fitness measures and obesity in Taiwanese youth aged 10-18 years. Data from 13,500 school-aged youth were randomly selected from the School Physical Fitness Database of Taiwan by sex and age. Variables examined were height, body mass and performance on modified sit-and-reach (flexibility), bent-leg sit-up (abdominal muscular strength/endurance), standing long jump (lower body explosive strength) and distance run/walk (cardiorespiratory endurance). Adjusted logistic regression analyses were performed. Increased odds of being obese with decreased fitness levels were observed for lower body explosive strength and cardiorespiratory endurance in both sexes. The highest odds of being obese was found in the least fit quintile of cardiorespiratory endurance compared with the most fit quintile both in boys (Odds ratio, OR=10.44; 95% confidence interval (CI), 7.94-13.73) and girls (OR=5.40; 95% CI, 3.90-7.47). These findings suggest that in addition to cardiorespiratory fitness, lower body explosive strength is also associated with childhood and adolescent obesity.