
This paper presents a novel feedback method for the motion planning and coordination of multiple agents that belong to two classes, namely class-A and class-B. All agents are modeled via unicycle kinematics. Agents of class-B do not share information with agents of class-A and do not participate in ensuring safety, modeling thus agents with failed sensing/communication systems, agents of higher priority, or moving obstacles with known upper bounded velocity. The method is built upon a family of 2-D analytic vector fields, which under mild assumptions are provedto be safe feedbackmotion planswith a unique stable singular point. The conditions which ensure collision free and almost global convergence for a single agent and the analytical formof the vector fields are then utilized in the design the proposeddistributed, semi-cooperativemulti-agent coordination protocol. Semi-cooperative coordination has been defined in prior work as the ad hoc prioritization and conflict resolution among agents of the same class; more specifically, participation in conflict resolution and collision avoidance for each agent is determined on-the-fly based on whether the agent's motion results in decreasing its distance with respect to its neighbor agents; based on this condition, the agent decides to either ignore its neighbors, or adjust its velocity and avoid the neighbor agent with respect to which the rate of decrease of the pairwise inter agent distance is maximal. The proposed coordination protocol builds upon this logic and addresses the case of multiple agents of distinct classes (class-A and class-B) in conflict. Guarantees on the safety of the multi-agent system and the almost global convergence of the agents to their destinations are proved. The efficacy of the proposed methodology is demonstrated via simulation results in static and dynamic environments.

  • 出版日期2017-3