
An evaporative cooling system based on centrifugal atomization is proposed. Employing this system, the evaporation rate is improved by splitting the water into fine particles using a spinning disc and stationary strips. The various parameters affecting the rate of evaporation, namely the stationary-strip geometry, spinning-disc diameter, spinning-disc speed and evaporation chamber length on the efficiency of the cooler, are studied experimentally. The proposed system is found to be suitable for cooling a large volume of air with lower electricity consumption of 0.122 kW/kW cooling capacity. About 4-12 A degrees C decreases in outdoor dry bulb temperature are obtained. Increases in the spinning-disc diameter and speed are found to improve the performance. Among the strip geometries tested, the rectangular geometry with sharp edges offers better performance. Average cooling efficiency of about 70 % is obtained over the course of a day.

  • 出版日期2012-6
