
To improve the performance of the quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QEA), an elitist QEA is proposed based on principle of the small-world network. In this algorithm, strong and weak link concepts of small-world network are applied to the population structure, and an elitist quantum is constructed by using the elitist individual's information. Meanwhile, the information collected by the elitist quantum is kept at the whole population level instead of the individual level. Due to this creative structure, the population has a modest clustering coefficient and a short average path length. The proposed structure is an efficient architecture for an effective exploration/exploitation tradeoff. Compared with conventional QEA, the algorithm has better population diversity and quick convergence rate. Experimental results show that the proposed structure consistently improves the performance of QEA.

  • 出版日期2012-11
  • 单位湖北汽车工业学院; 东华大学