
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the flow in an axial blood pump with different blade heights (BH150, BH200 and BH250) were performed in the present study. The flow in the pump was assumed as steady and turbulent, and blood was treated as incompressible and Newtonian fluid. The flow rate increased with the rise in blade heights. At the impeller rotating speed of 20,000 rpm and a pressure of 100 mm Hg, the pump produces a flow rate up to 5 L/min in BH200 and BH250 models. The reverse flow and vortices have been identified in the BH150 and BH200 models in the outlet regions, but not for BH250 model. The high shear stress of the flow in the pump mainly occurred at the blade tips. The BH200 model achieved an expected flow rate up to 5 L/min with 90% of the shear stresses less than 500 Pa and the exposure time less than 22 ms, which has the acceptable shear stress level in the literature.