
The changes in the cardiac proteome of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were quantified during the early phases (4, 7, and 14 d) of a typical exercise-training regime to provide a comprehensive overview of the cellular changes responsible for developing a trained heart phenotype. Enhanced somatic growth during the 14 d experiment was paralleled by cardiac growth to maintain relative ventricular mass. This was reflected in the cardiac proteome by the increased abundance of contractile proteins and cellular integrity proteins as early as Day 4, including a pronounced and sustained increase in blood vessel epicardial substance - an intercellular adhesion protein expressed in the vertebrate heart. An unexpected finding was that proteins involved in energy pathways, including glycolysis, beta-oxidation, the TCA cycle, and the electron transport chain, were generally present at lower levels relative to Day 0 levels, suggesting a reduced investment in the maintenance of energy production pathways. However, as the fish demonstrated somatic and cardiac growth during the exercise-training program, this change did not appear to influence cardiac function. The in-depth analysis of temporal changes in the cardiac proteome of trout during the early stages of exercise training reveals novel insights into cardiac remodelling in an important model species. Biological significance: Rainbow trout hearts have a remarlcable ability for molecular, structural, and functional plasticity, and the inherent athleticism of these fish makes them ideal models for studies in comparative exercise physiology. Indeed, several decades of research using exercise-trained trout has shown both conserved and unique aspects of cardiac plasticity induced by a sustained increase in the workload of the heart. Despite a strong appreciation for the outcome of exercise training, however, the temporal events that generate this phenotype are not known. This study interrogates the early stages of exercise training using in-depth proteomic analysis to understand the molecular pathways of cardiac remodelling. Two major and novel findings emerge: (1) structural remodelling is initiated very early in training, as evidenced by a general increase in proteins associated with muscle contraction and integrity at Day 4, and (2) the abundance of proteins directly involved in energy production are decreased during 14 d of exercise training, which contrasts the general acceptance of an exercise-induced increase in aerobic capacity of muscle, and suggests that regulation of energy pathways occurs at a different biological level than protein abundance.

  • 出版日期2017-5-24
