
IntroductionEchinococcus granulosus is an important public health problem in the Mediterranean area. Today's surgery is the principal therapeutic approach for chronic ruptured hydatid cyst removal.
ObjectivesIn this paper, a new bronchoscopic method using saline injection is explained as a safe method to remove ruptured pulmonary hydatid cysts. This non-invasive method has no complications and no need to anesthesia and admission. We hope that this novel bronchoscopic method can be a starting point for future advances in the field of pulmonary hydatid cyst treatment methods.
MethodsSaline injection method by bronchoscopy (M. E. Hejazi Method)
ResultsWe extracted the entire hydatid cysts of both patients by fiber optic bronchoscopy using saline injection method (M. E. Hejazi Method) for the detachment of underlying membrane from cavity wall.
ConclusionsThis bronchoscopic method is minimally invasive, without surgery, anesthesia and hospital admission, the least complication and morbidity as well as is cost benefit in comparison with surgery.

  • 出版日期2018-1