
Two ligands with different geometries have been prepared to synthesize new silver-ethynide complexes bearing pyridyl and carboxylate groups. Reactions of 5-ethynylnicotinic acid (H(2)L1) and 5-ethynylpicolinic acid (H(2)L2) with silver nitrate afforded [Ag-2(L1).AgNO3](n) (1) and {[Ag-12(L2)(6).12AgNO(3)].5H(2)O}(n) (2), respectively. Crystallographic studies revealed that in 1, the L1 ligands connect linear silver chains to form a 2D layer through silver-ethynide interactions and Ag-carboxylate coordination bonds, and subsequently the layers are further linked through Ag-N(pyridyl) coordination bonds to generate a 3D network; however in 2, the L2 ligand interacts with Ag-8 units through Ag-N, Ag-O coordination bonds, silver-ethynide interactions and pi-pi stacking directly to assemble a 3D network. In the solid state, both complexes are luminescent at room temperature, assigned as the intraligand n-pi* and pi-pi* transitions.