
Colonization of potato plants by soilborne, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Dickeya sp IPO2254 was investigated by selective plating, epifluorescence stereo microscopy (ESM), and confocal laser scanning. microscopy (CLSM). Replicated experiments were carried Out in a greenhouse using plants with an Intact root system and plants from which ca. 30% of the lateral roots was removed. One day after soil Inoculation, adherence of the pathogen on the roots and the Internal colonization of the plants were detected using ESM and CLSM of plant parts embedded in all agar medium Fifteen days post-soil inoculation, Dickeya sp wits found on average inside 42% of the roots. 13% of the stems. and 13% of the stolons in plants with undamaged roots At the same time-point. In plants with damaged roots. Dickeya sp was found inside 50% of the roots, 25% of the stems, and 25% of the stolons. Thirty days post-inoculation. some plants showed true blackleg symptoms In roots. Dickeya sp was detected in parenchyma cells of the cortex. both inter- and intracellularly In stems. bacteria were found in xylem vessels and ill protoxylem cells. Microscopical observations were confirmed by dilution spread-plating the plant extracts onto agar medium directly after harvest The implications of infection front soilborne inoculum are discussed

  • 出版日期2010-2