
We show that a subset X of a given Polish space X is Sigma(1)(2) iff there is an open set O subset of X x [omega](omega) such that X = { x is an element of X : there exists r is an element of [omega](omega) {x} x [r](omega) subset of O}. This implies that if a set U subset of omega(omega) (chi x [omega](omega)) is universal for G(delta) subsets of chi x [omega](omega), then the set of all (v, x) is an element of omega(omega) x chi such that the section U-vx has nonempty interior in the Ellentuck topology is universal for Sigma(1)(2) subsets of chi. It follows that the sigma-ideal of meager sets in the Ellentuck topology is not Sigma(1)(2) on G(delta), a fact established recently by Sabok (2012) with the help of Kleene's Recursion Theorem.

  • 出版日期2017
