Mechanisms of ATP dependent chromatin remodeling

作者:Gangaraju Vamsi K; Bartholomew Blaine*
来源:Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2007, 618(1-2): 3-17.


The inter-relationship between DNA repair and ATP dependent chromatin remodeling has begun to become very apparent with recent discoveries. ATP dependent remodeling complexes mobilize nucleosomes along DNA, promote the exchange of histones, or completely displace nucleosomes from DNA. These remodeling complexes are often categorized based on the domain organization of their catalytic subunit. The biochemical properties and structural information of several of these remodeling complexes are reviewed. The different models for how these complexes are able to mobilize nucleosomes and alter nucleosome structure are presented incorporating several recent findings. Finally the role of histone tails and their respective modifications in ATP-dependent remodeling are discussed.

  • 出版日期2007-5-1