Adult-Type Granulosa Cell Tumors and FOXL2 Mutation

作者:Koebel Martin; Gilks C Blake; Huntsman David G*
来源:Cancer Research, 2009, 69(24): 9160-9162.


Little is known about the pathogenesis of ovarian granulosa cell tumors. Recently, we reported the identification of a somatic FOXL2 402C -> G mutation that is present in virtually all adult-type granulosa cell tumors, but not in a wide range of other tumor types. This finding has important implications for the diagnosis and classification of ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors, provides insight into the pathogenesis of adult-type granulosa cell tumors, and opens possibilities for the development of targeted therapies. [Cancer Res 2009;69(24):9160-2]

  • 出版日期2009-12-15