
A novel bond-based peridynamic method is proposed to investigate the initiation, propagation, and coalescence of cracks in brittle rock materials subjected to compressive loads. To simulate the failure of brittle rock materials under compressive loads, tangent bonds are introduced into the bond-based peridynamic theory. By comparing the strain energy with peridynamic energy, the micro-peridynamic parameters can be expressed by the macromechanical parameters of rocks. The novel peridynamic model can solve the problem that the normal bond-based peridynamic theory is limited to constitutive models with a Poisson's ratio of 1/4 for three-dimensional problems. A program code was compiled to demonstrate the validity of the novel bond-based peridynamic method. It was found that the numerical results of the initiation, propagation, and coalescence of cracks in brittle rock materials subjected to compressive loads are in good agreement with the experimental data.