
Regularities of the deformation strengthening and softening of aluminum alloys containing second-phase Al3Ni particles 0.3 to 2.2 mu m in size with a volume fraction from 0.03 to 0.1 are investigated during cold deformation and subsequent annealing at 0.6t (m). It is shown that the largest hardness increment is observed for alloys with a maximal fraction of fine particles (d = 0.3 mu m) after rolling deformation larger than 0.4. Fine particles prevent the development of crystallization upon true deformation up to 2.3, thereby effectively inhibiting softening. An increase in the particle size to 1.2-2.2 mu m stimulates nucleation during recrystallization, substantially accelerating this process. For example, in order to ensure recrystallization uniformly over the entire sheet volume at d = 2.2 mu m, cold deformation with E > = 0.4 is sufficient.

  • 出版日期2012-11
