
Since its first description, Western blot has been widely used in molecular labs. It constitutes a multistep method that allows the detection and/or quantification of proteins from simple to complex protein mixtures. Western blot quantification method constitutes a critical step in order to obtain accurate and reproducible results. Due to the technical knowledge required for densitometry analysis together with the resources availability, standard office scanners are often used for the imaging acquisition of developed Western blot films. Furthermore, the use of semi-quantitative software as ImageJ (Java-based image-processing and analysis software) is clearly increasing in different scientific fields. In this work, we describe the use of office scanner coupled with the ImageJ software together with a new image background subtraction method for accurate Western blot quantification. The proposed method represents an affordable, accurate and reproducible approximation that could be used in the presence of limited resources availability.

  • 出版日期2018-6