
Two-dimensional curve offsets have a wide application area ranging from manufacturing to medical imaging. To that end, this paper concentrates on two novel techniques to produce planar curve offsets. Both methods, which are based on mathematical morphology, employ the concept that the boundaries formed by a circular structuring element whose center moves across the points on a base curve comprise the entire offsets of the progenitor. The first technique titled IMOBS was introduced in our former paper and was shown to have superior properties in terms of its high accuracy, low computational complexity, and its ability to handle complex curves if compared to the techniques available in the literature. Consequently, an all-purpose algorithm titled AMOBS is introduced to enhance further the performance of the former technique by making good use of gradient information to find globally the most suitable candidate points in the boundary data set via grid search techniques. Thus, the new paradigm is demonstrated to overcome some of the problems (like orphan curve offsets) encountered in extreme cases. Both algorithms, which have similar attributes in terms of run-time complexity and memory cost, are comparatively tested via two experimental cases where most CAD/CAM packages fail to yield acceptable results.

  • 出版日期2015-9