
The purpose of Person re-identification (PReID) is to identify the same individual from the non-overlapping cameras, the task has been greatly promoted by the deep learning system. In this study, we review two widely-used CNN frameworks in the PReID community: identification model and triplet model. We provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages and limitations of the two models and present a hybrid model that combines the advantages of both identification and triplet models. Specifically, the proposed model employs triplet loss, identification loss and center loss to simultaneously train the carefully designed network. Furthermore, the dropout scheme is adopted by its identification subnetwork. Given a triplet unit images, the model can output the identities of the three input images and force the Euclidean distance between the mismatched pairs to be larger than those between the matched pairs as well as reduce the variance of the same class at the same time. Extensive comparative experiments on three PReID benchmark datasets (CUHK01, CUHK03, Market-1501) show that our proposed architecture outperforms many state of the art methods in most cases.