
The GNSS acquisition process will need to transmitted by many satellite acquire more satellite systerns when more satellite systerns are developed and operated. Therefore, the Time to Flom Fix (TTFF) of tile GNSS receiver becomes a very important factor One of the acquisition methods which are capable of receiving the computation load is tile composite code acquisition method Two composite PRN code acquisition methods are analyzed in this paper the multi-C/A code acquisition method developed by authors and tile Beach's This Paper evaluates both acquisition method composite PRN code acquistion methods in terms of tile probability of detection. the probability of correct acquisition, the mean acquisition time. and tile Speedup factor A C++ program is developed to assess the performance of tile GPS signal acquisition under various architectures The real GPS intermediate frequency (IF) signals collected by a software receiver at tile roof of tile Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, building of National Cheng Kung University are Used in this paper As a result, the probabilities of correct acquisition, tile mean acquisition time, and file speedup factors Of both acquisition methods are estimated and validated using the collected IF signal data

  • 出版日期2010-2