
On the basis of an arcing faults model established in ATP, we proposed to calculate the transition resistance with the fault information from the arcing period to the reclosing period so as to detect the arc extinction time in arcing faults. During an arc fault, the transition resistance is highly non-linear in the secondary arc period, so the standard deviation of the calculated transition resistances is an effective criterion for distinguishing arc faults from non-arc faults. Moreover, for an arc fault, the calculated transition resistance of the arc tends to be infinity after the arc being extinguished, indicating a reliable way of confirming the arc extinction of the arc fault. A number of ATP simulations show that the proposed criteria based on the transition resistance works well identify arcing faults and capture their arc extinction times. The results provide a theoretical foundation for realizing the adaptive reclosure and raise the success rate of reclosing after arcing faults.

  • 出版日期2014
  • 单位Polytechnic university
