
A promising approach to the unknown type of [Ar'(Ar)IF2]X salts is offered. x-FC6H4IF4 (x=2, 3, 4) reacts with C6F5BF2 in CH2Cl2 and forms [x-FC6H4(C6F5)IF2][BF4] salts in good yields. For [4-FC6H4(C6F5)IF2][BF4] the fluoro-oxidizer property is shown in reactions with weakly reducing agents like E(C6F5)(3) (E=P, As, Sb, Bi) and ArI (Ar=4-FC6H4, C6F5). The fluorine/aryl substitution method is also applied to the synthesis of [(4-FC6H4)(2)[F-2][BF4], an example with two identical aryl groups in the difluoroiodonium(V) moiety.

  • 出版日期2010-7-31