
The bathophenanthroline indicator paper was introduced to the field of paper conservation as a contact test to detect the presence of iron(H) ions in objects of cultural value, especially manuscripts containing iron gall ink. Due to their catalytic activity, iron(II) ions are detrimental to paper and other organic substrates. Paper conservators apply different treatments to remove or deactivate iron(H) ions from ink corroded manuscripts, e. g. washing and the phytate treatment. By comparing stability constants of the different complexes, involved with the testing on iron gall ink and the phytate treatment, it is shown that the bathophenanthroline test can safely be applied at nearly neutral pH-values (pH = 6), without the risk of destroying the ink or phytate complex. Therefore, it can be used to check the efficacy of the phytate treatment applied to complex and remove iron(II) ions.

  • 出版日期2009