
As a fundamental study on the corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete structures using Natural Inorganic Minerals exposed to carbonation environment. The test specimens were concrete(W/C = 60%) with Natural Inorganic Minerals content of 0% and 10%. Accelerated arbonation and autoclave corrosion accelerated curing were then conducted with them. The corrosion resistance of steel in concrete with Natural Inorganic Minerals content of 0% and 10% was examined by corrosion form, half-cell potential, polarization resistance, corrosion area and weight loss after 24 h of autoclave corrosion accelerated curing. The results of the study showed that as for steel in concrete with Natural Inorganic Minerals content of 10%, the corrosion resistance was more excellent than steel in concrete with Natural Inorganic Minerals content of 0%.

  • 出版日期2011-11