
Technology has flourished, and diverse teaching techniques have emerged such as eBooks, massive open online courses, and gamification. Accordingly, technologies continue to provide a revolutionary improvement on traditional learning environments. The pedagogic trend is becoming "student-centered''. Problem-based learning (PBL) is the use of problems to motivate learners to apply research concepts and thinking strategies. Gamification provides the learners to actively learn through gamified mechanisms. This study focuses on PBL and gamification to enhance students' engagement in learning computer science. We developed a computer science learning system (CSLS) comprising three subjects: database management, programming, and data structure. Each subject has problem-solving mini games for students to accomplish tasks using relevant concepts. Results reveal that learners have a 95% probability of obtaining above-average user satisfaction, which suggests that the CSLS can be a good vehicle for cultivating the relevant computer science concepts. Participants' technology acceptance and their cognitive load when using the system are also determined in the experiment, with the aim of examining learners' perception while using the CSLS. Further, gamification has indicated a positive effect on students' learning performance and cognition for learning computer science.

  • 出版日期2016