
Electromagnetic instabilities in high-beta plasmas, where beta is the ratio of the kinetic plasma energy to the magnetic energy, have a broad range of astrophysical applications. The presence of temperature anisotropies T (ayen) /T (aSyen) > 1 (where ayen and aSyen denote directions relative to the background magnetic field) in solar flares and the solar wind is sustained by the observations and robust acceleration mechanisms that heat plasma particles in the parallel direction. The surplus of parallel kinetic energy can excite either the Weibel-like instability (WI) of the ordinary mode perpendicular to the magnetic field or the firehose instability (FHI) of the circularly polarized waves at parallel propagation. The interplay of these two instabilities is examined. The growth rates and the thresholds provided by the kinetic Vlasov -aEuro parts per thousand Maxwell theory are compared. The WI is the fastest growing one with a growth rate that is several orders of magnitude larger than that of the FHI. These instabilities are however inhibited by the ambient magnetic field by introducing a temperature anisotropy threshold. The WI admits a larger anisotropy threshold, so that, under this threshold, the FHI remains the principal mechanism of relaxation. The criteria provided here by describing the interplay of the WI and FHI are relevant for the existence of these two instabilities in any space plasma system characterized by an excess of parallel kinetic energy.

  • 出版日期2009-8