
By introducing a fictitious mode to be a counterpart mode of the system mode under review we introduce the entangled state representation <eta|, which can arrange master equations of density operators rho(t) in quantum statistics as state-vector evolution equations due to the elegant properties of <eta|. In this way many master equations (respectively describing damping oscillator, laser, phase sensitive, and phase diffusion processes with different initial density operators) can be concisely solved. Specially, for a damping process characteristic of the decay constant kappa we find that the matrix element of rho(t) at time t in <eta| representation is proportionaly to that of the initial rho(0) in the decayed entangled state <eta e(-kappa t)| representation, accompanying with a Gaussian damping factor. Thus we have a new insight about the nature of the dissipative process. We also set up the so-called thermo-entangled state representation of density operators, rho = integral(d(2)eta/pi)<eta|rho > D(eta), which is different from all the previous known representations.