New technique to demonstrate corneal magnification using trypan blue in cataract surgery

作者:Marques Frederico F; Marques Daniela M V*; Osher Robert H
来源:Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia, 2011, 70(4): 235-237.


Purpose: To demonstrate the corneal magnification using trypan blue in cataract surgery. Methods: Eight eyes of eight patients undergoing phacoemulsification with an intraocular lens implantation were enrolled in this study. After staining the anterior capsule with Trypan Blue 0.1% and performing the capsulorhexis, the excised anterior capsule was placed on the corneal surface. By observing and measuring the relationship between the border of the excised anterior capsule and the intracameral capsulorhexis opening, the effect of corneal magnification was clearly demonstrated and calculated by linear method. Results The average magnification of the cornea was 20.88% using linear method with an average area magnification of 47.53%. Conclusion: The capsulorhexis stained by trypan blue is useful to demonstrate the magnification provided by the cornea helping to design an intended opening size.

  • 出版日期2011-8