Large eddy simulation of a confined square cavity with natural convection based on compressible flow equations

作者:Salinas Vazquez M*; Vicente W; Martinez E; Barrios E
来源:International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2011, 32(5): 876-888.


Large eddy simulation of natural convection in a confined square cavity is described. The use of a complex compressible code with an artificial acoustic stiffness correction method, allows the use of higher time steps for a faster time and statistical convergence. We consider a broadly studied experimental case, consisting of a natural convective flow in a confined square cavity, with vertical walls heated at different rates (active walls), set at Ra = 1.58 x 10(9). Turbulent boundary layers developing on the active walls and a vertical stable stratification characterize the mean flow. It is shown here that the results of this study match the experimental results reported in literature; for instance, mean velocity results. Although results for rms velocity fluctuations are barely over-predicted, the peak region is properly represented, while the greatest disagreements are found in the turbulent heat flow rate (velocity-temperature correlations). Turbulent structures were identified using different visualization methods and statistical studies. The authors found that the boundary layers on the active walls almost reach the fully turbulent regime, tending toward the laminar regime along the horizontal walls.