
Rosacea is like no other disease a problem for patients regarding the use of skin care and cleaning products. The subjective assessment of the severity of the illness is an important factor regarding the development of depression in these patients. Inadequate skin care and cleaning products can lead to irritation and stinging of the skin. Dermatologists should address questions regarding skin care, cleaning and sun screens. Because of the higher irritability of the skin of rosacea patients, all possibly irritating cleaning products or procedures should be avoided. The water temperature is also important; it should be lukewarm to avoid the provocation of a vascular reaction. Soaps should be avoided, because they are alkaline and thus lead to a higher pH of the skin. A higher pH of the skin can lead to irritation. Appropriate make-up causes no aggravation of the skin and increases patient's satisfaction with their skin and thus leads to a higher compliance with pharmacological therapy. Laser or intense pulsed light treatment can improve telangiectasia or erythema. Operative treatment of rhinophyma is effective and well-established.

  • 出版日期2011-11