
the evaluation constitutes a dynamic, continuous process of diagnosis, inherent to the education, that exceeds the simple qualification of the yield. for the evaluation process all the methods available must be used, non only as a mean to determining the approval of the subject but as a resource to measure the education-learning process. thus, the teacher may verify, in objective form, the fulfillment of established in the program thanks to the use of diverse pedagogical means of education. for many years, the anatomical practical evaluation consisted of the valuation of the dissection of diverse topographic regions, oral interrogations on structures that were in these dissections, and the accomplishment of tests in which questions became on spilled theoretical aspects in theoretical classes, demonstrations or by means of the use of texts or atlas. in the last decades, many educational investigators have proposed diverse learning theories, with the purpose of taking advantage to the maximum the intellectual potential of the students. in general, all of them have been applicable, valid and many are harnessed to each other. the present work, more than an educational investigation, tries to inform on the practical evaluation method based upon the howard gardner%26apos;s multiple intelligences theory, applied during the practical learning of the subject of human anatomy for dentistry of the university of antofagasta, institution that has implemented a centred pedagogical model in the student and whose terminal objectives are based on the profit of competences

  • 出版日期2006
