
Purpose Despite existing guideline recommendations, the utilization of addiction rehabilitation is low and has even declined by 20 % between 2010 and 2015. In contrast to somatic and psychosomatic rehabilitation, access to withdrawal treatments is not possible directly from the ambulatory sector, but is usually mediated by counselling centers for addiction problems that have to be consulted additionally to a medical doctor. Obviously, there are barriers in access to rehabilitation of addicts. The aim of this qualitative study was to develop and evaluate a medical-psychotherapeutic report on diagnostic findings, which can be used to provide new access paths into medical rehabilitation for all addictive disorders.
Material and Methods Based on existing literature, a draft version of the report on diagnostic findings was designed. Subsequently, 15 experts of all relevant divisions and professions evaluated this draft version using the Delphi method.
Results The structure, its content, and the comprehensibility of the report on diagnostic findings were generally positively evaluated. The experts welcomed an additional access path into the rehabilitation of addicts. After several revisions and feedback with the experts, a pilot version could be finalized.
Discussion and Conclusion On the basis of a qualified medical or psychotherapeutic reporting, new access paths into addiction rehabilitation may be established for those groups of patients who could not be reached so far.
