Algebraic entropy of an extended Hietarinta-Viallet equation

作者:Kanki Masataka; Mase Takafumi; Tokihiro Tetsuji
来源:Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2015, 48(35): 355202.


We introduce a series of discrete mappings, which is considered to be an extension of the Hietarinta-Viallet mapping with one parameter. We obtain the algebraic entropy for this mapping by obtaining the recurrence relation for the degrees of the iterated mapping. For some parameter values the mapping has a confined singularity, in which case the mapping is equivalent to a recurrence relation between six irreducible polynomials. For other parameter values, the mapping does not pass the singularity confinement test. The properties of irreducibility and co-primeness of the terms play crucial roles in the discussion.

  • 出版日期2015-8-28