
This paper describes a numerical procedure for the prediction of the homogenizing performance of high pressure homogenizing valves used in diary plants. The method is based oil a strict interaction between a complex CFD code and a simple homogenizing Simulation code developed by the authors. This latter implements a mathematical model for the evaluation of droplets break-up, that needs an accurate evaluation of few significant fluid dynamic parameters in the whole fluid dynamic domain inside the valve. Due to the relevant pressure gradients within the flow and to the possibility of cavitation, particular attention has been paid in defining the fluid model, the mesh and the parameters required for CFD simulations. Notwithstanding the quite simple model of the homogenizing process, comparatively with the complexity of phenomena involved, the first results obtained are in general agreement with the experimental data available. These results point out the potential of the procedure proposed as a starting point for further implementation of more complex effects.

  • 出版日期2010-2