
The present study was conducted with the objective of assessing the socio-economic impacts of climate change in arid ecosystem of India. A sample of one hundred farmers from Rajasthan representing Arid ecosystem, were purposively selected. Randomly data were collected through personal interview and focused group discussion with both structured and unstructured schedule. Data were analyzed using statistical tools like mean, standard deviation, frequency etc. In Rajasthan, 86 per cent farmers reported delayed and irregular rainfall and 73% farmers reported about rising temperature. Seventy nine per cent farmers reported low frequency of storm and 83% reported increased frequency and intensity of heat wave. Moila disease (sucking pest) in guar, yellowing of leaves of mustard plant, sweet borer's attack in pearl millet etc. was reported in high magnitude. About two-third (67%) farmers reported about decline in population of desi neem (Azadirachta indica), khejri (Prosopis sp.), desi babul, (Acacia nilotica), amla (Phyllanthus emblica) and deshi ber (Ziziphus sp.) plant. Seventy two per cent farmers reported about heavy migration of people. So, impacts of climate change were felt in all aspects of life.

  • 出版日期2014-12