
HMAC is suggested to safeguard GOOSE packet integrity by IEC62351 standard. But traditional HMAC authentication method directly applied in GOOSE packets is not efficient, since it doesn't consider GOOSE packet features such as the retransmitted mechanism. An improved method of reorganizing the content sequence of GOOSE packets by moving variable contents to the packet's end position in order to get message authentication codes efficiently is proposed. The improved method fully utilizes the same chaining values of HASH iterated procedure for the identical contents of retransmitted GOOSE packets as reusable results. Except for the first packet, the same series of retransmitted GOOSE packets can directly apply the reusable result, which saves the majority time-consuming of HMAC application in GOOSE packets. Message authentication code length crucial to power information network bandwidth is discussed later under the practical power information environment. Testing results in the embedded platform prove the efficiency of the proposed method. OPNET is used to verify the communication bandwidth usage with different lengths of GOOSE MACs in power information systems.