
Asthma in women is susceptible to change with feminine hormonal fluctuations and this is more evident in the pre- and postmenopausal periods. It can occur as either late-onset asthma or worsening of a preexistent asthma. In the latter case, the asthma is characterized by a lack of atopic markers, repeated rhino-sinusitis, frequent intolerance to aspirin and NSAID, and also an amplified perception of asthma symptoms. The tendency to severity and recurrent exacerbations is common. Pulmonary function tests reveal increased bronchial hyperreactivity and frequently a fixed obstructive pattern. The differential diagnosis of asthma in elderly women is not easy. Two most frequent etiologies are left ventricular heart failure ("cardiac asthma") and COPD, which can coexist with classical asthma in women who smoke or have smoked. The preventive role of regular physical activity and the effects of hormonal replacement therapy will be discussed.

  • 出版日期2013-4
