
For traditional selection operator of genetic algorithm (GA) optimizing reservoirs cannot meet the requirement of non-negative fitness values, a new method for optimizing cascade reservoirs based on GA with trigonometric selective operators is proposed. A comparison is made between sine-roulette selection and simple roulette selection through an example of adaptive genetic algorithm. The results show that, because the sine-roulette selection can meet the requirement of non-negative fitness values and the diversity of population can also be well maintained, the new one can find more good solution at the later stage of evolution and be well suited for solving reservoir optimal scheduling problems. This paper chooses the "power determined by flow" scheduling model of the Three Gorges cascade, and uses the measured data obtained by linear regress equation of the outflow of the Three Gorges and the inflow of Gezhouba to deal with the close hydraulic coupling between reservoirs. The established method effectively improves the convergence performance of GA as well as the accuracy of the model for its consideration of temporal-spatial variation of flow.
